Hoo's Dat - Series


To inquire about purchasing this piece, please call the Grant Berg gallery at (587) 259-6333.


10″ x 10″

Limited Stock. Call to check availability or shop in-store!

About the Artist

Kristine Andrea

Kristine Andrea is a contemporary Calgary artist who was born and raised in Grande Prairie, Alberta. She gets her inspiration from Mother Earth and listens to the artistic messages received from her. Kristine’s creating process comes from her soul. Kristine was also influenced by Picasso and his simplistic line drawings for her Simplicity Collection. She is drawn to the human form and human connection, elegance, and beauty. Kristine has worked in flower arrangement, decorating homes, as well as developing and managing hotels. Her experience led her to manage the Azuridge Estate Hotel in Priddis, south of Calgary, Alberta, which was the perfect canvas for Kristine’s abounding creativity. Kristine has a sense of graceful and simple design, and a stunning attention to detail.

Other Works by Kristine Andrea